iPadel Club Leagues Winter 2022/23
National Club Padel Leagues in the UK
The iPadel Club Leagues are aimed at club players who want to play competitive padel against other local padel clubs.
After increasingly successful summer and winter leagues in 2021 and 2022, we are now planning the 22/23 winter leagues. We will be running open (men or ladies) and ladies only leagues and will include mixed and the 100 (combined ages over 100, min age 45) leagues if there is sufficient interest.
The leagues are aimed at club level players, suggested ratings between 3.0 and 5.0, but are open to anyone apart from any player who is competing in the LTA Padel National League in their respective category.
Padel Ratings
League matches will be played between October 2022 and February 2023, with the winners of each region and runners up (depending on the number of teams in the league) qualifying for the national finals at (to be decided) in March 2023. Trophies and prizes awarded to the winning teams.
iPadel Club League Rules
- 6 players nominated per team which can be added to but once nominated players should not play for a different team. This is flexible if you need someone to make up a team as I would rather have a match played, but please observe the spirit of the event. Fun not glory! 4 players per match.
- Each match consists of 4 rubbers of 2 pairs playing 2 rubbers each of best of 3 sets. The first 2 sets are standard sets with a 7-point tiebreak at 6 games all and 3rd set is a match tie break to 10 points.
- Sudden death deuces or golden points may be used as long as both captains agree beforehand.
- £100 entry fee per team for the first 2 teams, £75 for a 3rd team and £50 per team thereafter. Please ensure you pay your club pays your entry fees before your first match.
- Court fees for matches are covered by the home team at their discretion.
- All group matches to be played by 26th February 2023 with the results filed online or sent to the tournament director within 48 hours of each match finishing.
- Winners/runners up of each region will qualify for the grand finals to be held at (to be decided) in March 2023. Date to be confirmed.
- Dates for matches are play by dates. Matches to be played before or on official weekend dates if possible, unless both captains agree to the change and inform the tournament director. Home captain to decide if it is a Saturday or Sunday. Midweek matches are allowable if agreed by both captains.
- League positions will be decided by points, rubbers, sets then games won.
Closing Date:
The official closing date for entries is 30th September 2022, but I would appreciate you letting me know as soon as possible how many teams and in which categories you want to enter.
Sponsorship opportunities are available on www.ipadel.co.uk and will be included on all relevant social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Finals day will also offer onsite branded advertising opportunities for sponsors. Please contact me on the details below.
Tournament director Ian Colligon of iPadel, any questions email ian@ipadel.co.uk or phone 07765 403769